Important health scans for people over 40

Health Screens Over 40

Take charge of your health and your body will thank you for it! Regular check-ups are important because they help find problems before they start. And finding problems early improves your chances for treatment and a cure. As you get older, health screenings become a regular part of your check-ups. They help you be proactive and spot potential problems early. Let's review some of important health screenings for everyone over 40.

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Living Well with Logansport Memorial Hospital : top health concerns for women over 50

Women over 50 Health Concerns

Turning 50 is a big milestone in our society. It's also a time that involves lots of changes in your family and in your body. You may have kids going to college or getting married, challenges at work that you haven't had before and other increased stresses in life. Is's also hard to escape the fact that your body is getting older. You're not bouncing back as quickly as you used to and you might tire more easily. The risk for many common health problems increase as you age and 50 is a good time to take stock and make some healthy changes. What health concerns should you watch for. 

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Don't ignore these common symptoms of alcohol use disorder

Alcohol Use Disorder

Drinking too much alcohol can cause serious short and long-term health effects. In fact, studies from the CDC state that an estimated 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a medical condition that doctors diagnose when a patient's drinking causes distress or harm. It can be mild, moderate or severe but any level, alcohol abuse and dependency is bad for your health. How do you know when it's time to seek help for a potential drinking problem? 

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Family planning tips

Family Planning

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy.

Are you thinking about having a baby? There are some things you can do now to improve your odds of becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.

Get your baby’s life started on the best foot possible by following these family planning tips.

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Preparing your child for a new baby in the family

BigBrotherNewBaby-081916-Pixabay brothers-457237_960_720

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy.

A new baby is an exciting event for the whole family! Big brothers or sisters are experiencing a lot of feelings as they watch mom's belly grow and hear all the talk about the new baby coming.

As the parent, you might be wondering how you can best help your child transition to your new family dynamic. What is the best way to tell children about a new baby coming? Are there tips for making the announcement as positive as possible?

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