Outsmart food traps to maintain your healthy diet

Tempting-yet-unhealthy Thanksgiving pies

It takes dedication to stick to most weight-loss plans or keep up with eating a healthy diet, especially when surrounded by food traps during family gatherings and holiday celebrations.

Flamboyant former fitness instructor Richard Simmons once said that you are the only person responsible for what is on your fork and what it puts in your mouth. Though it’s true that every person controls what goes into their mouths, his quip is a little simplistic.

Consistently managing cravings and food temptations requires more than how much self-control you have. A little preparation helps make all the difference when you’re faced with food temptations.

Read on to learn more about how to outsmart food traps and reach your healthy eating goals.

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Does vaping cause lung cancer?

A woman vapes with an e-cigarette

Smoking is the leading cause of death and disease in the United States.

Some people trying to kick their smoking habits have switched to vaping, but whether or not inhaling the aerosol “vapor” from e-cigarettes is any safer than cigarette smoke is still up for debate.

Scientists are still trying to determine definitively if e-cigarettes are an effective alternative for those who want to quit smoking. Since they are so new and so much is unknown about what they do, the American Cancer Society only recommends that adults who already smoke use them as a complete substitute for tobacco products, not in addition to cigarettes.

Read on to learn more about the health problems associated with vaping.

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Starting healthy habits at age 60—and beyond

Senior man warms up and stretches before exercising

When is the last time you jogged up a staircase? Bounced to your feet after sitting on the floor? Dashed to the kitchen to pull something from the oven?

Time makes us wiser, but it also takes a toll on our bodies. As you age, you might have started to notice that some things you did with ease when you were younger now take a little more time and effort these days, better health after age 60 is possible.

All seniors experience some occasional aches, but growing older doesn’t have to come with chronic soreness and debilitating pain that keep you from doing what you love.

There are a variety of things you can do and changes you can make—even today!—that will make a difference in how you feel.

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Feeling stressed? Tips for managing anxiety and staying healthy

dealing with stress

Remember awkward, sweaty handshakes before meetings? Watching a summer blockbuster in a crowded theater? Sending your kids off to school on a crowded bus? Shopping leisurely in grocery stores that were always fully stocked?

Living during the “new normal” caused by COVID-19 is anything but normal. The current world-wide coronavirus crisis has ravaged the way we all go about living. It has been stressful for everyone.

Stress is an equal opportunity bully. From kids to seniors, many people these days are struggling with feelings of confusion and fear because no one can say for sure when the challenges of this current way of life will be over.

When stress is chronic, it can affect your health in physical, psychological, psychosocial, and psychospiritual ways. To get by, it’s important to pay attention to you and your loved one’s mental health.

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Monitoring your body temperature: what’s normal?

boy learning how to take temperature

The experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to recommend self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19, such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, dry cough, and fever (or an elevated body temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit or more).

As the “Stay at Home” orders are relaxing across the state of Indiana, more and more Hoosiers are returning to work and starting to go out again. Safety and vigilance are vital for keeping our community as healthy as possible and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

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