Diabetic? Put your best foot forward with our six tips for wound care


This article is part of the Complete Guide to Wound Care.

A medical wound is an injury that affects living tissue. It is usually caused by a cut or a blister that breaks the skin open. The body is uniquely designed to deal with and heal wounds. However, sometimes the body needs help. During the wound healing, the affected area becomes surrounded with dead tissue. This necrotic tissue does not carry blood to the wound and is extremely harmful to the body's ability to recover and develop new skin. 

Diabetes and wound care 

Diabetes is a condition where the body does not use sugar efficiently. Elevated sugar levels cause a narrowing of the blood vessels. These blood vessels "stiffen" and become less effective. This is what causes your poor circulation. 

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Benefits of dedicated wound care


This article is part of the Complete Guide to Wound Care.

Some health issues make it difficult for the body to do the work required to heal wounds.

People with advanced diabetes, severe anemia, radiation tissue damage or non-healing surgical incisions often need dedicated wound care. Without the proper care and healing, a wound can lead to further health issues or even amputation. A clinical approach to wound care can speed healing, increase comfort and help people get back to their normal lives.

Let’s explore more about dedicated wound care services.

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